Student Teachers

Thank you for your interest in student teaching! Listed at the end of this page is a link to the sign up with class day and times in need of student teachers. Placement is first come, first serve. However, please be courteous and do not sign up if you know you will not be committed throughout the entire year. Due to student teacher waiting lists, repeated absences may result in your spot being filled by someone else. Before signing up, please know that you MUST BE 3 YEARS OLDER THAN THE OLDEST AGE OF THE CLASS. By signing up, you agree to the following guidelines listed below. Please read these together with your child. Thank you!

Student teachers must be at least 10 years old with at least 3 years of dance experience. As stated above, they must also be at least 3 years older than the oldest student in the class.

Please remember, student teachers are asked to be committed to our student teacher program. Just like teachers, student teachers are asked to come to class in appropriate dance attire and proper shoes, with their hair pulled back.

Student teachers - take initiative! Tie shoes, try to catch a student’s attention, work one on one with a student, pick up stars or pass out props…but please, DO NOT leave the room with a student, or allow a student to leave the room on their own, without permission from the teacher. Even if it is just to the bathroom! Always obtain permission from the instructor.

Please never show favoritism to any student(s) within your class. Don’t be a distraction. Help keep all students engaged in the lesson at hand. Set a positive, enthusiastic example. Always learn choreography and be prepared to demonstrate it.

Due to growing student teacher wait lists, if a student teacher misses 3 or more classes in a row, their spot will be given to someone else. Again, please be courteous and do not sign up if you know you cannot be committed throughout the ENTIRE year. Thank you! We love our student teachers! Not only do they receive special gifts and recognition in the program book, but they learn about responsibility, leadership, and class management - many of our current teachers were once student teachers themselves!