Miss Kelley’s Competition Checklist and Policies

What to Pack - a comprehensive list!

  1. Bobby pins, hairspray, hair gel, elastics, and two hairnets if wearing a bun. Please match your hair color and/or hairpiece.

  2. Mirror - they are not always available in dressing rooms! It can be hand held, in a caboodle, etc.

  3. Scissors, safety pins, needle & thread to match costumes, blunt hair needles if it is required for headpieces

  4. Nail polish remover - colored nail polish is not allowed for competitions unless specified.

  5. All makeup and Vaseline - Vaseline on teeth helps you smile when you are nervous and have a dry mouth.

  6. Neat and wrinkle free costumes - bring a steamer!

  7. All accessories, clean undamaged shoes and tights - bring extra pairs if you have them. Remember to put your name or initials on everything.

  8. Small snacks and water bottles for you and your dancers. When eating, they MUST wear a cover up on top of their costume to prevent spills. No sugary or messy snacks, please!

  9. Money for concessions, parking (if applicable), and merchandise vendors if you would like.

  10. Makeup remover/wipes, shout sticks, pain killers, phone chargers and items to entertain kids will come in handy.

  11. Team jacket - to be worn when not dancing and for awards. Jackets can be worn over black leggings or costumes.

  12. Small blanket or lightweight jacket - it can be cold in the theatre. Blankets can also be used on dressing room floors.

What to wear/not to wear:

  • No jewelry at all - unless provided by teacher for costumes.

  • As mentioned above, no nail polish is allowed unless otherwise instructed.

  • Undergarments should not be seen.

    • Pin down all bra straps and other parts that may fall out and show from under the costume. We suggest alternatives when possible - petals, tape, stick on bras, etc.

    • No underwear is allowed! They will deduct points for this. Tights are a dancer’s undergarment. If you have any concerns about this, please let us know.

  • Hair must be sleek, no wispy hair!

  • Headpieces must be SECURE! Points are deducted for a lost headpiece.


  • Most competitions DO NOT ALLOW PICTURES/VIDEOS during the performance!

    • Remember any videos that ARE allowed may not be posted on social media until after all competitions are over.

  • Dressing rooms are not always assigned. We will send a GroupMe message with the dressing room location.

    • Please never move anyone else’s items in a dressing room.

    • Rooms can be small, so please make room for others.

    • Never leave any valuables in the dressing room.

    • Males over the age of 3 or 4 are not allowed in the dressing area.

    • Clean up after yourself and be respectful to those around you! Make a good impression - you are representing Miss Kelley’s.

  • Please use theatre etiquette.

    • Applaud for EVERYONE, not just our teams.

    • Enter and exit the auditorium in between numbers, not during.

    • Silence phones and refrain from speaking loudly in the audience.

    • Do not yell or scream at the top of your voice during a performance. Judges notice these things.

    • Please always represent our studio in a positive light.

Competition Schedules -
when to be ready, etc:


    • Competitions require dancers be ready 1 hour ahead. Other time is needed for warm-ups, reviews, showing centerstage, etc.

  • Performance times are ESTIMATES. Competitions often run early!

    • Tip - check the competition website to see if the even is live streamed!

    • Let everyone you have coming or watching know the group may perform before or after the time shown.

  • STUDENTS MUST STAY with the group! Schedules can change in an instant, so we must stay together!

  • Parents may sit wherever you wish in the auditorium. Please meet your child back in the dressing room after performing unless they are old enough to come to you in the auditorium. This is the parent’s decision, but please plan ahead with your child.

  • IF time permits, you may leave and return for awards. Award times are shown in their program book, or sometimes on their website. Awards may also run earlier/later than shown! If the event is livestreamed, check to see where we are.

Awards - how do they work?

  • We provide birthdates, experience and dance hours to the competition and THEY determine age, level and category.

    • Age is the average age of the entire group, and category is based on the number of dancers. Levels are determined by experience and the number of hours the group dances weekly.

    • Each competition has its own guidelines, therefore each competition may vary.

  • Performance score dictates awards such as platinum, high gold, silver, etc. A 1st, 2nd, 3rd place is awarded to the high score in EACH genre’s division. Ex: jazz against jazz, tap against tap.

  • Lastly, overalls are the high scores in ALL GENRES of the same age, level and category. So a lyrical could come in 1st and a clogging could come in 2nd. In overalls, only score matters, not the genre.

    • It is not uncommon for a studio to have multiple numbers competing in the same set of overalls. The number of overall awards depends on the number of entries.

  • Routines can also receive special judge’s awards!

  • We are not eligible for some studio awards because we do not have enough entries to qualify.

  • We would like to emphasize that we have teams, not in order to win awards, but to improve as a dancer! We are proud of our students no matter what!