Miss Kelley's Level Class Information and Agreement

Whether you are a returning level student, or your dancer is just now meeting the dance prerequisites, you have been invited into our ‘level classes!” While we realize some are just “trying” a certain level, we wanted everyone to be aware of what is expected from levels. These classes are for the more serious dancer and unlike our other classes; there are requirements in order to participate in these classes. These requirements and rules are necessary to uphold the progression and caliber of the overall class. We are sorry but in order to be fair to everyone there can be NO EXCEPTIONS to the following rules/dates. PLEASE READ this thoroughly for new rules and dates. Add these dates into your calendar NOW, so you won’t be surprised later!

We are always so proud of the talent and ability our level classes achieve, however it is not possible without your commitment. We hope you will respect your commitment and be a part of levels this year! Please fill out the online that will be sent to you on September 1st if you are planning on joining us this year. We are sorry but we must receive your contract back by the first day of dance for your dancer to remain in levels.

Please click here to view level class placements!

If you have questions about our placement policy/procedure, please click here to read more!

Rules and Regulations for Level Classes


  • Form fitting dancewear is required in our level classes. Leotards or tight fitting tops and bottoms with tights please. No loose clothing or street clothes are allowed.

  • Hair must be up. Buns are preferred. Long braids or ponytails will only slap you in the face during turns, so please secure properly.


  • To participate in the jazz portion of a level combo class, a student must be registered for an additional hour of ballet. Anyone not attending a ballet class will not be able to perform jazz in the recital.

  • Due to complex choreography, you must also participate with your class in all recital numbers for which you have learned the choreography. You may not pick and choose which numbers you will participate in. Dropping at the last minute hurts the choreography and forces your classmates to learn new parts at the last minute.

  • Level classes sometimes perform an extra number. Therefore, these classes may have an extra costume fee, which will be charged in full in March. Tuition is the same despite the extra hours of rehearsal.

  • Opening number is only guaranteed for students in Level 4.


  • Regular attendance is required. For advancement and choreography purposes, in order for a level student to perform in recital, they may not miss more than 3 lessons Sept.-Dec. and likewise, 3 absences are allowed Jan-May. (Progress is already halted during observations, Halloween, Christmas, Pictures, Spring Break, and bad weather days. Regular attendance is a must for your child’s confidence and the classes overall performance. Again, level classes are a commitment).

    • Please use your absences responsibly and conservatively, allowing for unexpected sickness and events. Doctors excused absences still count as an absence. (We cannot give unlimited excused absences in order to maintain the caliber of these classes).

  • Levels 1-4 must attend all recitals, rehearsals and the 3 mandatory practices shown below.

    • In order for multiple classes to rehearse we rent a gym in the Trussville area, the exact location will be announced at a later time. If for any reason your child’s level is not needed for all practices or only a part of you will be notified in advance.


  • Once again this year, in an effort to keep your weekends free, the mandatory opening number practices will be held on weeknights. If you are on Junior Hip Hop Team, you will be given permission to leave with enough time to make it to your hip hop class. Locations of the rehearsals will be announced at a later date.

  • Wednesday, April 9th from 5:30 - 8:30

  • Wednesday, April 30th from 5:30 - 8:30

  • Monday, May 12th from 5:30 - 8:30

We hope it helps to know these dates 8 1/2 months in advance! The entire year calendar is on our website. We appreciate everyone’s effort. It's going to be a great 42nd year! Thank you so much!


Click here to join a GroupMe for all level classes and receive reminders and location updates on these mandatory rehearsals!



If you have decided NOT to return to dance this year for any reason, please let us know!

OR if you would like to add any additional classes, like lyrical for example, please email register@misskelleys.com as soon as possible.