Dance Conventions

As always, we mention in the team contract how much students benefit and gain from attending a convention. While this is not mandatory, we have already had several students say they are interested in attending. To help keep everyone informed of all dance opportunities and for everyone’s convenience, we have listed the closest conventions coming to us this year.

Prices begin at approximately $150 and can go up to $450 for just their dance badge. We don’t say this to discourage, because it is a wonderful opportunity! However, we just want everyone to realize going in that conventions can be very expensive. You may find out more information and exact prices by searching the name of the convention. If anyone needs help in registering for any they would like to go to, please let us know!

October 11-13 - Revel in Mobile

October 18-20 - Radix in Nashville

October 19 - Platinum Dance Experience in Birmingham

October 25-27 - NYCDA in Mobile

November 1-3 - Adrenaline in Murphreeseboro

November 9-11 - Tremaine in Atlanta

November 22-24 - Radix in Mobile

December 6-8 - West Coast Dance Explosion in Biloxi

January 3-5 - Artists Simply Human in Atlanta

January 10-12 - Revel in Atlanta

January 17-19 - NRG in Birmingham

January 31-February 2 - NUVO in Atlanta

March 21-23 - Streetz in Atlanta

March 21 - 23 - Hollywood Vibe in Nashville

March 28-30 - West Coast Dance Explosion in Nashville

April 11-13 - Streetz in Montgomery

April 11-13 Revel in Nashville

April 11-13 - Jump in Atlanta

April 11-13 - Adrenaline in Atlanta

April 11 - 13 - NYCDA in Atlanta

May 9-11 - NUVO in Nashville