2024 - 2025 Fall Registration

Click here to view our class schedules!

(All Oneonta classes perform in our morning show, all Trussville Monday/Wednesday classes perform in our matinee, and Tuesday/Thursday in our evening show).

Click here to view our tuition rates!

How to register online:

  1. First, explore our schedule online by clicking the link above! This will let you know what’s available for your child. Can’t decide or don’t know what’s best? No worries! We will reach out with some options via email in your registration confirmation!

  2. Fill out the form below! Be sure to read any descriptions provided. It will answer many of your questions!

  3. Wait for our reply! We will reach out and either confirm your registration for a specific class, or suggest another option. For example, if a class is already full, we might make a suggestion for another day or time. Be sure to check your email for our response/confirmation! Often our emails can go to people’s junk folders (or promotional folder in Gmail), so if you don’t see a response from us in 3-5 business days, be sure to check there. We will also follow up with a confirmation call as well!

    * If requesting a class with pre-requisites, please know this may take longer to get teacher approval. Thank you for your patience!