Register now with Miss Kelley’s!
Thank you for registering! Please read the following regarding our registration process. Thank you!
What do I register for?
Before registering, take a moment to explore our schedule here! This will let you know what is available for your child. Can’t decide or don’t know what’s best? No worries! Fill out a registration form anyway and just let us know via the form that you need some guidance. We are happy to help!
You can also read more about our different subjects here, and class policies here.
When will I hear back?
If you are registering immediately upon our schedule release - please be patient with us! We received over 350 registrations in the first 24 hours ALONE last year! Normally, we ask for up to 5 business days to respond, but if you are registering during the month of June, it may take up to 10 business days as we catch up to you all. Please do not reach out to our office regarding hearing back from us until this time has passed. Multiple voicemails and emails will slow us down. THANK YOU for your patience and understanding!
We will respond to your registration via email and ask for you to confirm as well that you have received it. If we don’t hear back from you again, our office will also follow up with a phone call to make sure you received it. We appreciate your response! Thank you!
What if the class says “waiting list?”
Register anyway! We recommend adding yourself to the waiting list and registering for a backup option just in case. It’s not unusual for students to add/drop/swap classes even as the year begins. We will let you know immediately if a spot becomes available in your first choice!
Can I hold multiple spots?
We are sorry, but due to growing waiting lists, you may not “hold” multiple spots in the same subjects. You are more than welcome to swap classes as many times as needed, depending on availability.
Can I register for an asterisked class?
We are sorry, but we do not accept registration for advanced asterisked classes. These classes are teacher placed only after summer dance and competition team tryouts in late August. If you are interested in an asterisked class, but were not already in one last year, please register for a backup class and speak to an instructor about what skills you may need to acquire.
The only exception is asterisked lyrical classes. If you were already registered for an asterisked lyrical class last year, you may request to be in the same lyrical again. If level placements change after summer and affect this placement, lyrical can be changed after placements are sent out.